Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Wiki


Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Wiki

Throughout the series, Chuck has been injured and harmed numerous times to the point where it became a running gag.

Opening credits[]

Image Season Number Description
Videoframe 2173
Season 1 Explodes.
Videoframe 18902
Season 1 Crushed by a dead ghost after Panty killed it.
Videoframe 19725
Season 1 Crushed by a pile of men after Panty had sex with them.

Ending credits[]

Image Season Number Description
Videoframe 1393335
Season 1 Choked by a chain.
Videoframe 1403474
Season 1 Eaten by a vulture.

Season 1[]

Image Episode Title Description
Videoframe 83918
"Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" Struck by lightning.
Videoframe 87578
"Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" Punched by Garterbelt in order to cough up the clue.
Videoframe 115583
"Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" Crushed by a falling couch that Panty and Stocking were sitting on.
Videoframe 219960
"Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" Kicked and tossed to the whiteboard by Panty and Stocking.
Videoframe 351690
"Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" Punched by Garterbelt in a fit of anger.
Videoframe 449057
"Excretion Without Honor and Humanity" Crushed by the bathroom door after the attic floods with poop.
Videoframe 1269208
"Death Race 2010" In an attempt to stop Crazy Crazzy Gabby, Panty uses Chuck to catapult herself onto the front of the train.
Videoframe 851239
"Sex and the Daten City" Strangled and thrown by Stocking after Panty made fun of her commercial.
Videoframe 911540
"Sex and the Daten City" Slapped by Panty after snapping several pictures.
Videoframe 995375
"Sex and the Daten City" Chuck's tongue was burned by hot water.
Videoframe 1172345
"Sex and the Daten City" Kicked by Panty. Chuck's brain is notably knocked out of his body.
Videoframe 97212
"Catfight Club" Kicked by Panty and flung around the room.
Videoframe 115207
"Catfight Club" Strangled by Stocking until his heart popped out of his body.
"Catfight Club" Burps flames after eating Death Babanero chips.
Videoframe 203973
"Catfight Club" Struck by lightning.
Videoframe 223773
"Catfight Club" Punched by Garterbelt in order to get the clue.
Videoframe 462794
"Catfight Club" Ran over by Brief's lawn mower.
Videoframe 535032
"Catfight Club" Caught in Panty and Stocking's fight.
Videoframe 536242
"Catfight Club" Squished by Gal Ghoul's fist.
Videoframe 904963
"Pulp Addiction" Ran over by the milkman's bike, causing his skull to crack.
Videoframe 923445
"Pulp Addiction" Flattened by a street sweeper.
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"Pulp Addiction" Thrown to the wall by Garterbelt after he licked white goo off of Garterbelt's face.
Videoframe 1018501
"Pulp Addiction" Stepped on by Garterbelt.
Videoframe 1056508
"Pulp Addiction" Struck by lightning. This scene was also shown in "Chuck to the Future", since that episode takes place in "Pulp Addiction".
Videoframe 79858
"The Diet Syndrome" Kicked into the garbage can by Stocking.
Videoframe 134882
"The Diet Syndrome" Stabbed by Stocking's fork, who then kicked Chuck into the garbage can again.
Videoframe 308576
"The Diet Syndrome" Repeatedly punched by Stocking in order to get the last sweet. As a result, Chuck was turned into mush.
Videoframe 324829
"The Diet Syndrome" Strangled by a rope in a boxing ring.
Videoframe 329739
"The Diet Syndrome" Caught in a wind storm caused by Stocking jump-roping.
Videoframe 331396
"The Diet Syndrome" Overheats in the sauna. Chuck's soul is seen rising from his body.
Videoframe 342146
"The Diet Syndrome" Lays in a pile of his own vomit.
Videoframe 491148
"The Diet Syndrome" Struck by lightning.
Videoframe 493667
"The Diet Syndrome" Punched by Garterbelt in order to get the clue.
Videoframe 79858
"The Diet Syndrome" Kicked by Stocking into the garbage can yet again.
Videoframe 752080
"High School Nudical" Stabbed by Stocking's cracked sword after chuckling at her.
Videoframe 944861
"High School Nudical" Thrown by Panty in an attempt to hit Master G.
Videoframe 1150494
"High School Nudical" Repeatedly hit in the head by several guns that Panty tried to shoot with, including Backlace.
Videoframe 188245
"Raiders of the Nasal Dark" Passed out after picking his nose too much.
Videoframe 652045
"Vomiting Point" Struck by lightning.
Videoframe 1303246
"Vomiting Point" Hits the windshield of See Through after Panty purposefully braked.
Videoframe 118780
"Les Diaboliques" Caught in between Panty and Stocking's fight with Loser Ghost.
Videoframe 360768
"Les Diaboliques" Strangled by Panty as she hears Scanty and Kneesocks insult her and Stocking. Brief begs Panty to stop, but she ignores him.
Videoframe 652658
"Les Diaboliques" Hit by a red carpet along with Brief.
Videoframe 863547
"Les Diaboliques" Kicked and punched by Fastener, causing Chuck to poop out the Ghost Stone he had eaten.
Videoframe 1063374
"Les Diaboliques" Part of Chuck's head was chopped off as Stocking drove through G-String.
Videoframe 240627
"Trans-homers" Shot in the head by Pantybots and Stockingcons.
Videoframe 441176
"Trans-homers" Crushed by Panty and Stocking.
Videoframe 719165
"The Stripping" Stretched by Panty.
Videoframe 763018
"The Stripping" Strangled and stepped on by Panty.
Videoframe 1338355
"The Stripping" Squished by a stack of money.
Videoframe 371251
"...Of the Dead" Became a zombie after he was bitten by a zombie cat. Panty and Stocking didn't realize Chuck had become a zombie until later in the episode.
Videoframe 117457
"If the Angels Wore Swimsuits" Burned by a grill after being punched by Garterbelt.
Videoframe 345027
"If the Angels Wore Swimsuits" Repeatedly hit by a volleyball, causing Chuck to get burned on the grill.
"If the Angels Wore Swimsuits" Balled up by Stocking and sliced in half by Kneesocks.
Ghost- The Phantom of Daten City 021
"Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City" Sliced into numerous pieces by Stocking.
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"Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City" Thrown into the talking skull by Stocking.
Videoframe 1333030
"Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City" Punched and dunked into the garbage can by Stocking.
Videoframe 538851
"Chuck to the Future" Punched by Fastener.
Videoframe 543958
"Chuck to the Future" Injures his hand after punching the mirror.
Videoframe 561310
"Chuck to the Future" Decapitated by Fastener's sword. When Chuck's body walked toward his head, his head turned into mush.
Videoframe 598782
"Chuck to the Future" During his fight with Fastener, he was sliced in half.
Videoframe 617411
"Chuck to the Future" Sliced into pieces by Fastener, who then stuck the pieces of Chuck onto two skewers and set him near the fireplace.
Videoframe 635783
"Chuck to the Future" Sliced into several pieces by utensils that Fastener threw at him.
Videoframe 638284
"Chuck to the Future" Electrocuted by a ceiling light.
Videoframe 639653
"Chuck to the Future" Frozen after being thrown into a freezer.
Videoframe 641505
"Chuck to the Future" Burned by a hot stove.
Videoframe 643937
"Chuck to the Future" Blended after Fastener threw Chuck into a blender.
Videoframe 712869
"Chuck to the Future" Ran over twice by See Through. The next segment opens with Chuck laying on a hospital bed, recovering from his injuries.
Videoframe 815813
"Chuck to the Future Part 2" Repeatedly slammed into the ground by a hand made of wasps.
Videoframe 843551
"Chuck to the Future Part 2" Electrocuted in a microwave with a red demon, causing Chuck to heal himself from the inside out despite it exploding.
Videoframe 1014833
"Chuck to the Future Part 3" Repeatedly hurts his head until he opens his head zippers, which immobilizes him.
Videoframe 1173872
"HELP! We are Angels" Ran over by a car in a scene that references the cover of The Beatles' album, Abbey Road.
Videoframe 1276949
"HELP! We are Angels" Strangled by Stocking until his heart squeezed out of his body in a scene that references Marilyn Manson.
Videoframe 90756
"Once Upon a Time in Garterbelt" Punched by Garterbelt, which leads to Garterbelt's BDSM belt falling.
Videoframe 759249
"Nothing to Room" Hit in the head by a soda can thrown by Panty.
"Nothing to Room" In a fit of anger, Stocking shoves a can of chips onto Chuck's head, repeatedly steps on him, rolls him into a ball, kicks him into the air, and hits him with a metal rod.
"Nothing to Room" While eating chips, Chuck is stepped on by Panty, who then kicks him at Stocking. Stocking bounces Chuck with her head and kicks him back to Panty, who also bounces and kicks Chuck around with her head until she finally kicks him out of the window.
Videoframe 663735
"Panty + Brief" Charred by many lightning bolts, then squished by a falling couch that Panty and Stocking were sitting on.
Videoframe 681937
"Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch" Stepped on by Garterbelt.
"Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch" Chopped up into several pieces by Fastener. Chuck is in his "Hellhound" form when this occurs.
Videoframe 1322128
"Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch" Impaled in the head by a gift that Panty and Stocking bought.

Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox[]

Main article: Panty & Stocking in Sanitarybox
Image Segment Title Description
Videoframe 135053
"Map of the Daten City" Stepped on by someone.
Videoframe 214889
"Chuck to the Future Part 4" Hits a Goomba-like enemy, killing him.
Videoframe 225053
"Chuck to the Future Part 4" Falls into a pit, killing him.
Videoframe 237206
"Chuck to the Future Part 4" Falls into a pit again, killing him.
PSSB p8 12
"Bitch Flash" Shattered along with the other characters.