Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Wiki


Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Wiki

I do what I fucking want!


Panty Anarchy[2] (アナーキー・パンティ Anākī Pantii, transliterated as "Anarchy Panty") is the titular main protagonist of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt. She is the older sibling of the Anarchy sisters.[3] Her name is derived from the object she is able to weaponize.


Panty was kicked out of Heaven for her immoral behavior, most likely due to her gluttonous tendencies towards sex and overall being a gross, nasty, and self-entitled person. In "The Turmoil of the Beehive", it was revealed that Panty went to a high school in Heaven. However, according to Stocking, she barely ever went to classes and instead had sex with several boys.


Taken from

"The elder angel sister, banished to Earth as punishment for her immoral behavior. A wild, free-spirited girl who refuses to be tied down by anything. She fights by transforming her worn panties into a spiritual gun called <Backlace>."


Panty has pale, pinkish skin and the typical "Spiky Hair" hairstyle. Her hair is long and blonde and her eyes are blue. In early concept art, she originally had red eyes.


Human form[]

Panty has fashionable clothing. Her panties in this form have a cyclamen color. She wears dark red heels with a belt on both, a dark red dress and dark red hoop earrings which matches the colour of her dress. She also wears a gold necklace and two gold bracelets on both of her wrists. In many episodes, she wears different clothes, but this one is considered to be her main.

In season 2, Panty's appearance is slightly altered, notably her dress and hair color is much softer. Her hair has a gradient which fades from light yellow to coral pink. She wears light purple eyeshadow, and the color of her earrings have changed from red to blue.

Angel form[]

In angel form, Panty wears a Greek-like outfit. Her panties in this form are a fuchsia color. She wears heeled gladiator sandals based on Hermes' sandals, a loose white petticoat skirt with white ribbons and light red hearts on the sides and a white top with a light red heart on the front and with gold straps. Her accessories are a gold choker, two gold bracelets on both arms and wrists, and white one-finger gauntlets that reach her wrists.


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Panty seductively looking at the plumber in "Excretion Without Honor and Humanity".

Panty's defining trait is her promiscuousness. She is obsessed with sex and has it as much as she can, to the point where it is all that she can think about. Panty has relatively low standards for men, something that Stocking has mocked her for several times. In "Panty + Brief", Panty revealed that ever since she and Stocking came down to Earth, she planned to have sex with 1,000 men in Daten City to reach her "No Sex, No Life" goal before they returned to Heaven. She also has a sex diary in order to keep track of the amount of men that she's had sex with. In the Manga Strip series, her thirst for sex is pushed even further, as she is shown to have had sex with other women and even a horse. She is the embodiment of Lust, one of the seven deadly sins.

Due to her sexual appeal, Panty is quite popular amongst the general public. The episode "Sex and the Daten City" showcases her life as a celebrity, which she enjoys immensely. She owns an entire management team, plane, yacht, dog sled, and rocket ship. She was also shown doing photoshoots for several clothing brands. In the Manga Strip chapter, "Executive Motion", she also used her and Stocking's celebrity statuses to move to the First Class seats of the plane. Despite being very arrogant and self-centered, she and Stocking gave autographs to Terao for his daughter, Chi, in "Vomiting Point".

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Panty pole-dancing in "1 Angry Ghost".

Panty is also quite shameless, not caring that people were able to see her panty-less in "Death Race 2010" and "Raiders of the Nasal Dark". She also carelessly showed her porno during the planned premiere of Sex and the Daten City, believing that it was just a regular movie. She only realized that what she did was wrong when Mick told her that it was a porno and it could potentially ruin her career. Panty has also done inappropriate things on live television. In "1 Angry Ghost", she pole-danced in front of an audience as millions watched Judgement Day, and in "Heroine Interview", she was supposed to throw the first pitch in a baseball game, but she instead stripped and shoved a baseball up her uterus.

While Panty constantly reprimands Stocking for her eating habits, Panty also has quite an appetite. In "Nothing to Room", Panty is seen gorging down a large amount of foods. Panty jogs to maintain her figure, although she is jealous that Stocking doesn't have to exercise to be slender. Panty likes spicy food in general, and mentions disliking sugar (although she has been seen eating sweets throughout the series, even eating Stocking's Jean-Paul Heaven pudding in "Catfight Club"). She also mentions that being hungry causes her to swear more often than usual. Her favorite snack is Death Babanero potato chips. Panty also loves drinking alcohol, as she always wakes up with a hangover.

Whenever Panty hunts Ghosts, she works in an incautious way. She often takes the more reckless route, using pure power to finish the job. However, this style of fighting has caused her to be wide open for attacks, including losing her panties in the heat of the moment and forcing her to improvise with either using normal weapons or other underwear.


To prepare for her battle, Panty removes her panties. Her ability is being able to transform her own panties into a pistol named Backlace, a spiritual gun which can harm ghosts. Backlace is unable to harm humans; however, it has not yet been confirmed if all heavenly weapons follow this rule.


Panty during transformation.

Backlace seems capable of harming demons, angels, and anything spirit related, such as ghosts. Backlace, when combined with Stocking's panties or any other underwear, can become 'upgraded' versions of her usual gun. So far, two examples of an expanded Backlace are an assault rifle and a sniper rifle.

In the absence of Backlace, Panty can fight using normal guns. However, she usually avoids this because she does not like the smell of gunpowder, and the fact that normal guns don't do much damage.

Panty is also able to transform other people's underwear in guns, but the weapon design is limited due to the wearer's genitals, becoming curved, short or even bent. However, some, like Brief's, prove to be even more capable than Panty's own.

As seen in the episode "Trans-homers", Panty and Stocking have both shown the ability to nullify any effects given to their physical appearance by transforming into their angel form; however, it has only been only proven to nullify the effects of them becoming robots.

Panty is also shown to have enhanced vision in the episode "Bitch Girls", where she can see from the farm to Hell's Gate, where Brief is held captive by the demon sisters and Corset.



Stocking is Panty's younger twin sister.[4] Compared to Stocking, Panty is undoubtedly more reckless and braggadocious. Her careless behavior clashing with Stocking's calmer and quiet behavior often leads to them fighting. A major example of this occurs in "Catfight Club", when Panty ate Stocking's Jean-Paul Heaven without realizing just how badly Stocking wanted to eat it. This eventually leads to the sisters fighting each other all day, even while they were battling Bloody Hood & Gal Ghoul. However, despite their constant fights, Panty and Stocking are still very close with each other.


Panty does not like Garterbelt because she believes that he is too lame and demanding. She often argues with and teases Garterbelt and in "Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch", she and Stocking didn't even seem to care when Garterbelt (temporarily) died. In "High School Nudical", she also wanted to ditch Garterbelt to live a normal girl's life.


Throughout most of the series, Panty loathed Brief and nicknamed him "Geek Boy" due to his awkward nature when he was around Panty. Prior to "Panty + Brief", the only times Panty was somewhat nice to Brief was in "Catfight Club", when she offered Brief a ride before being rejected by Garterbelt, and in "Les Diaboliques", when she complimented Brief and offered to have sex with him. However, Brief wanted to take their relationship slow, which led to Panty and Stocking ditching Brief.

In "Panty + Brief", Panty was searching for her one-thousandth man to have sex with. She constantly avoided Brief and instead went searching for other men. Their relationship takes a drastic turn when in the bathroom at a party, Panty finds a handsome man (who turns out to be Brief) and presumably falls in love with him before he is taken away by guards. Later, Brief announces his intentions to marry Panty, shocking her. He then saved Panty from dying at the hands of Scanty and Kneesocks. Afterward, Panty finds out that the handsome man she met earlier was Brief and she became flustered.

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Panty and Brief on the bed in "Bitch Girls".

After driving off, See Through broke down on the road. The two decide to hide in an abandoned house, where Panty grabs Brief's hand and, to the surprise of even herself, begins to have sex with him, although she couldn't complete the act because every time they tried to have sex, Panty ended up with pain. In "Bitch Girls", Panty and Brief try to have sex again; this time, Panty successfully orgasms. She also calls Brief by his actual name for the first time. However, in "Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch", when Brief falls from the sky, Panty decides not to help him and even makes fun of him. It is unknown if Panty still has romantic feelings for Brief or not.


  • Panty & Stocking in TTGL

    Panty and Stocking in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

    Panty's design, while in art shift mode, was most likely based off of Miki Hoshii from The Idolmaster.[5]
  • In "If the Angels Wore Swimsuits", it was implied Panty's ears are an erogenous zone.
  • Panty was originally set to have red eyes and freckles.
  • Panty's age is very vague. It is never mentioned canonically but it's implied that she's over 500 years old.[6]
  • After recovering her virginity in "Bitch Girls", Brief became her 1000th partner and her first partner simultaneously.
  • In "Bitch Girls: 2 Bitch", Panty was cut up into 666 pieces by Stocking. It's unknown if she survived, although the story is continued in the lone Cemetery Hills chapter, "Geekboy Homecoming", where Brief and Chuck collect all 666 pieces of Panty to bring her back to life. It works, albeit it takes the duo lots of tries in order to get the normal Panty back.
  • Panty and Stocking make a cameo in the manga, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
  • Panty's school uniform is similar to the uniform worn by Mari Makinami Illustrious, a character introduced in Khara's Rebuild of Evangelion movie series.
  • In the manga chapter, "The An♪r♥meda Strain", Panty reveals that she uses a thermometer to check if she is ovulating, which is why she has never gotten pregnant. However, because the manga isn't canon to the anime, it is unknown if this is canon either.
  • In the chapter, "Killing Me Hard", it is revealed that Panty and Stocking are atheists.
  • In the English dub, Panty said "fuck" or variations of the word over 250 times in season 1.[7]
  • While Panty generally isn't into bondage, in the English dub of "Sex and the Daten City", she says that the man in the porno hogtied her, implying that Panty may have a bondage fetish.
  • Panty has a habit of picking her nose, as she was seen doing so in several episodes besides "Raiders of the Nasal Dark".
  • Panty is a fan of baseball. She roots for the Giants, as revealed in "Heroine Interview".
  • In "Les Diaboliques", it is revealed that Panty doesn't like doing anal sex. According to her, it is "great in theory but so not worth the pain".
